Apple to Launch Health Insurance in 2024

    Apple is expected to enter the US health insurance market in 2024, according to a report by CCS Insight. The company already offers its Apple Watch as a way to monitor your health. The device also helps regulate medications. It is also used for monitoring conditions such as diabetes.

    Apple has faced criticism for not doing enough in the health technology field. But this company's burgeoning services business is expected to continue to grow. The company's services now generate $20 billion in revenue, according to CCS Insight, and analysts believe this number will continue to rise. By 2030, analysts expect that almost a third of Apple's revenue will come from services and software.

    Apple's new iPhone and Apple Watch will help people to monitor their health and fitness. They'll track physical activity and sleep with the help of Apple's sensors. They'll also reward users for meeting fitness goals. They'll also be able to track other health-related information with third-party apps. Health-related apps will include fitness and meditation apps like MyFitnessPal and Calm, and nutrition apps like WeightWatchers.

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